North River Sail and Power is located in Manhattan and surrounded by water.Our mission is to offer recreational boating instruction and safety education to our members and to the public. North River is one of many squadrons that make-up the United States Power Squadrons.
We focus our efforts in four areas.
We start with the America’s Boating Course for basic safety information and the USPS Core Class, Seamanship. We then proceed through four Advanced Grade Navigation classes (Piloting, Advanced Piloting, Junior Navigation & Navigation) and seven Electives (Sail, Engine Maintenance, Weather, Cruise Planing, marine Electrical, marine Communications & Marine navigation Systems). Classes run six to twelve weeks. Students get extensive instruction.
These are one evening lectures designed to give students a broad overview of a topic.
Practical On-The-Water Seminars
These full day seminars combine 4 hours of classroom & dockside instruction with 4 hours of On-The-Water instruction. Students take the wheel for a supervised practice and demonstration of the principles and exercises discussed during the classroom session. Afterwards we debrief and more instruction is offered.
Boat Operator Certification:
The Boat Operator’s Certification Program certifies USPS members at various levels of On-The-Water recreational boating proficiency. The program requires completion of specific classes and seminars, as well as on-the-water testing.
See all of the courses we offer here