USPS Compass


You're in command - Boating is fun...we'll show you how

Basic Coastal Navigation

Coastal Navigation Notebook
Weekend Navigator

Today, electronics have radically changed navigation, but understanding the basics helps you gain confidence in your equipment and your own skills. In this seminar, you will learn practical techniques to plan, navigate, and check your progress on the water. You will develop situational awareness skills using your eyes and navigation tools to quickly point to your position on a chart, and be able to use backup techniques when the electronics become suspect. This seminar will help captain and crew navigate safely and comfortably. The student kit contains The Weekend Navigator textbook, a Seminar Notes booklet, and Maptech's Chart Navigator Training CD, which includes software and digital charts to gain familiarity with this new technology.



Boating Class

America's Boating Course: One of the best ways to have a fun boating experience is to "know before you go". If you are a new boater or an experienced boater in need of a refresher course, consider taking a boating course.

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USPS Activities - Boating is fun...we'll show you how




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